
Note: These are sample prices in US dollars. Please contact me for estimates or prices in other currencies.

Basic Information
  • Prices are per page. The industry standard for a "page" is 250 words.
  • There is a minimum charge of $25 unless the project is particularly small.
  • I am happy to look at a sample of your work to give an estimate. If, however, when working on the project, I deem it needs more or less editing, I pledge to let you know so that you can make an informed decision. 
  • The following are my standard levels of service. If your project falls somewhere in between, is short (e.g. an advertisement), or you require different editing services, please contact me. For general details, please refer to What is editing? and Writing Services.

Proofreading: $10 per page
  • Mechanical errors: spelling, typos, punctuation, grammar
  • Very awkward wording (that would detract from your message)
  • Obvious formatting errors or inconsistencies
  • Glaring factual errors (e.g. ones I don't have to double check)

Proofreading and Citation checking: $15 per page
  • Mechanical errors: spelling, typos, punctuation, grammar
  • Very awkward wording (that would detract from your message)
  • Obvious formatting errors or inconsistencies
  • Checking reference formats/links e.g. bibliography, citations

Copyediting: $20 per page
  • Mechanical errors: spelling, typos, punctuation, grammar
  • Close checking for formatting errors or inconsistencies
  • Checking reference formats and links, e.g. bibliography and citations, for consistency and correctness
  • Fact checking: main facts. There will be an additional charge if you require extensive fact checking.
  • Word choice e.g. checking for repetition, redundancy, inconsistency, appropriate vocabulary for the project/ profession