What is editing?

Depending on the project, editing may involve the following:

  • Proofreading for typos, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other mechanical mistakes
  • Checking formatting
    • For consistency throughout the document
    • For adherence to professional norms/standards
  • Fact checking
  • Reference checking
  • Citation checking
  • Formatting of citations
    • Reviewing format required for the subject e.g. MLA, Chicago
    • In-text citations
    • Works Cited/ Bibliography page
  • Eliminating awkward wording
  • Reviewing standards for language in the subject/ profession related to the project
  • Consultation with outside experts
Even a 5-page CV could easily take a couple of hours or more. You are paying an editor for his/her expertise and the professional approach that your room mate or person in the next cubicle - even your spouse! - cannot offer.